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The pearl hook is a powerful utility in Pearl UI that allows you to convert a third-party component into a Pearl UI-compatible component. This hook is particularly useful when you want to use a component that is not originally part of Pearl UI, but you want to leverage the power of Pearl UI's theming and style props.


import { pearl } from "pearl-ui";

Return value#

The pearl hook returns a Pearl UI-compatible component that can be configured using style props, an atomic component configuration, or a molecular component configuration.


Creating a Basic Pearl Component#

A Basic Pearl Component is a standalone component that doesn't contain any child components. It's the simplest form of a Pearl UI-compatible component. Here's a more detailed example of how you can create a Basic Pearl Component:

import React from "react";import { Box, Text, BoxProps, pearl, AtomComponentProps } from "pearl-ui";
export type BaseCustomComponentProps = BoxProps & {  label: string;};
const CustomComponent = React.forwardRef(  (    {      label,      ...props    }: AtomComponentProps<"CustomComponent", BaseCustomComponentProps>,    ref: any  ) => {    return (      <Box ref={ref} {...props}>        <Text>{label}</Text>      </Box>    );  });
const BasicPearlComponent = pearl<BaseCustomComponentProps, "basic">(  CustomComponent,  {    componentName: "MyBasicComponent",    type: "basic",    animatable: true,  });
// The created component can then be used easily in your application<BasicPearlComponent label="Hello, Pearl UI!" bgColor="red" boxShadow="lg" />;

In this example, CustomComponent is the base component that we are converting into a Pearl UI-compatible Basic Component. The componentName is set to "MyBasicComponent", which is a unique identifier for the component within the theme. The type is set to "basic", indicating that this is a standalone component. The animatable flag is set to true, indicating that this component can support animations.

Creating an Atom Component#

An Atom Component is a core element in Pearl UI. It can function independently or be integrated into more complex components. Here's a detailed example of creating an Atom Component using the pearl function and an atomic configuration:

import React from "react";import { Box, Text, BoxProps, pearl, AtomicCompo AtomComponentProps, AtomicComponentConfig } from "pearl-ui";
export type BaseCustomComponentProps = BoxProps & {  label: string;};
const CustomComponent = React.forwardRef(  (    {      label,      ...props    }: AtomComponentProps<"CustomComponent", BaseCustomComponentProps>,    ref: any  ) => {    return (      <Box ref={ref} style={}>        <Text>{label}</Text>      </Box>    );  });
const atomicConfig: AtomicComponentConfig = {  baseStyle: {    bgColor: "red",    borderRadius: "lg",  },  sizes: {    sm: {      px: 2,      py: 1,    },    md: {      px: 3,      py: 2,    },    lg: {      px: 4,      py: 3,    },  },  variants: {    outline: {      borderWidth: 2,      borderColor: "red",      bgColor: "transparent",    },    solid: {      bgColor: "red",      boxShadow: "lg",    },  },  defaults: {    size: "md",    variant: "solid",  },};
// Add the atomic configuration to the themetheme.components.CustomComponent = atomicConfig;
const PearlAtomComponent = pearl<BaseCustomComponentProps, "atom">(  CustomComponent,  {    componentName: "CustomComponent",    type: "atom",    animatable: true,  });
// The created component can then be used easily in your application<PearlAtomComponent size="sm" variant="outline" label="Hello, Pearl UI!" />;

In this example, CustomComponent is the base component that we are converting into a Pearl UI-compatible Atom Component. The componentName is set to "CustomComponent", which is a unique identifier for the component within the theme. The type is set to "atom", indicating that this is a basic building block component. The animatable flag is set to true, indicating that this component can support animations. The atomicConfig is an atomic configuration that defines the base styles, sizes, variants, and defaults for the component. This configuration is added to the theme, allowing it to be used across the application.

Creating a Molecule Component#

A Molecule Component is a more complex component that can contain multiple Atom Components or other Molecule Components. Here's a detailed example of creating a Molecule Component using the pearl function and a molecular configuration:

import React from "react";import {  Box,  Text,  VStack,  BoxProps,  pearl,  MoleculeComponentProps,  MolecularComponentConfig,} from "pearl-ui";
export type BaseCustomComponentProps = BoxProps & {  firstLabel: string;  secondLabel: string;};
type ComponentAtoms = {  first: BoxProps;  second: BoxProps;};
const CustomComponent = React.forwardRef(  (    {      firstLabel,      secondLabel,      atoms,      ...props    }: Omit<      MoleculeComponentProps<        "CustomComponent",        BaseCustomComponentProps,        ComponentAtoms      >,      "atoms"    > & {      atoms?: ComponentAtoms;    },    ref: any  ) => {    return (      <VStack ref={ref}>        <Box {...atoms.first}>          <Text>{firstLabel}</Text>        </Box>
        <Box {...atoms.second}>          <Text>{secondLabel}</Text>        </Box>      </VStack>    );  });
const molecularConfig: MolecularComponentConfig<ComponentAtoms> = {  parts: ["first", "second"],  baseStyle: {    first: {      backgroundColor: "blue",      color: "white",      padding: 2,    },    second: {      backgroundColor: "green",      color: "white",      padding: 2,    },  },  sizes: {    sm: {      first: {        fontSize: 5,      },      second: {        fontSize: 5,      },    },    md: {      first: {        fontSize: 10,      },      second: {        fontSize: 10,      },    },    lg: {      first: {        fontSize: 15,      },      second: {        fontSize: 15,      },    },  },  variants: {    outline: {      first: {        borderWidth: 1,        borderColor: "black",      },      second: {        borderWidth: 1,        borderColor: "blue",      },    },    filled: {      first: {        borderWidth: 0,      },      second: {        borderWidth: 0,      },    },  },  defaults: {    size: "sm",    variant: "outline",  },};
// Add the molecular configuration to the themetheme.components.CustomComponent = molecularConfig;
const PearlMoleculeComponent = pearl<BaseCustomComponentProps, "molecule">(  CustomComponent,  {    componentName: "CustomComponent",    type: "molecule",    animatable: true,  });
// The created component can then be used easily in your application<PearlMoleculeComponent size="sm" variant="filled" label="Hello, Pearl UI!" />;

In this example, CustomComponent is the foundational component that we are transforming into a Pearl UI-compatible Molecule Component. The componentName is set to "CustomComponent", which serves as a unique identifier for the component within the theme. The type is set to "molecule", signifying that this is a sophisticated component that can encapsulate multiple Atom Components. The animatable flag is set to true, indicating that this component can support animations. The molecularConfig is a molecular configuration that outlines the base styles, sizes, variants, and defaults for the component. This configuration is incorporated into the theme, enabling it to be utilized across the application.


ComponentYesReact.ComponentThe base component that will be transformed into a Pearl UI-compatible component.
configYes{componentName: string, type: "basic" | "atom" | "molecule", animatable: boolean}An object that provides necessary metadata for the Pearl UI component. The config object includes:
- componentName: The name of the component in the theme (Note: This name is crucial when the desired component should be an atom or a molecule, as pearl will search for the component configuration in the theme using this label).
- type: Defines the type of the component.
- animatable: A flag that indicates whether the component supports animations or not.
styleFunctionsNoArray of Style FunctionsboxStyleFunctionsAn array of style functions that are used to compute the received style props.